
Stuff I programmed or helped program

  • gb_emu - 2023 Winter - A GameBoy emulator I wrote in Rust as my comp sci degree’s capstone project

    • Functional CPU core and semi-accurate PPU
    • Not complete, but it can play Tetris!
    • Features gamepad support, and a simple UI so that users don’t need to use command line
    • GitHub:
  • chip8_rust - 2021 Summer - A chip 8 emulator I wrote in rust

    • After reading the rust book I wrote this as a simple project
    • Can load C8 roms
    • Timers run on separate threads to increase accuracy
    • Configurable via a simple .toml file
    • Tested on Windows, millage may vary on Linux and MacOS
    • GitHub:
  • Pirates - 2020 Winter - A WebGL tech demo I helped work on for CMPT370

    • Usually I don’t include school work on here as the projects would be very samey as what anyone else who took the class would make, but this particular assignment I’m personally proud of as we went a bit further than some of the other teams.
    • It is a “from scratch” renderer that supports a proper 3d camera and texturing
    • Features a debugger and fly cam
    • Primitive but functional gameplay
    • A primitive but functional collision checking system (it would be too much of a stretch to call it a “physics” system)
    • Demo video:
    • GitHub:
  • DecemberBliss - A personal learning project to become more familiar with c/c++

    • This was a project I worked on during the christmas break, and still poke at a bit. The goal was to learn more about practical cross-platform c/c++ development by creating a simple 2d game with a handful of features I considered to be critical to development. More information is included in the project’s readme on github.
  • Game Dev Club 2019 Winter Semester Project - Big Leaf (Tentative title)

    • It’s a gardening simulator of sorts. You play as a mouse character (represented by the durable UE4 manakin), and grow plants. I worked on this project in UE4 using blueprints, and developed a couple of systems, including a plant “growing” system. The system factored in shade and sunlight as it occured within the day/night cycle. Since the world was baked, and not dynamic, we were able to place pre-determined shade zones that subtracted away from the natural sun light. The sun light would vary according to the day/night cycle. There was also a hydration sub-system that took into account watering from a water can and nearby water features that were manually placed. Plants would grow/wither/die based on the amount of sun and water given. Too much or too little resulted in dead plants over time.
    • The project is very large, so you’ll have to contact me if you would like a zip file of it
  • Game Dev Club 2018 Winter Semester Project - Krock-Out

  • 2018 SpringGame Jam: Cosmikazi - Game Jam Game made over 48 hours

  • 2018 Summer Game Jam: Miner Details - Game Jam Game made over 48 hours

  • 2018 Fall Game Jam: Fall - Game Jam Game made over 48 hours