It's only been 2 years 😊
Don't look
Man, I am lovin’ gulp. It was a shaky relationship at first, but I think we’ve come a long way. I’ve been working on a new website for myself to show off work I’ve done, I thought I’d give Node a try and try to embrace the node realm of tools as much as possible.
Last week started off with some C++ work. Leading me to learning makefiles, GCC, and how to use them with Sublime Text 3. I went with a simpler tool to force a better understanding on how the pieces fit together on myself.
I'm not an HR admin, a recruiter, or in any position to hire anybody unless they want to work for half a pack of Jolly Ranchers. What I am is a junior programmer who's worked at a couple of companies, and read a metric ton of developer / tech blogs (Hacker News ftw). With this limited knowledge in mind I'd like to present my hypothetical hiring process.
Sometimes I don't know how to answer people when they ask how well I know how to use a language. For example I'm a pretty fluent C# programmer, but I'm only a beginner C++ programmer. That leaves a lot of ambiguity and wiggle room. Another way of saying is that, I can write C# code, and I can fake my way through C++ coding.
So I've finally gotten around to getting the FTP up and running for my website.
I've recently become interested in Node.js, but I'm bored of writting stuff in JS. Additionally I'd like some more features to my workflow (like maybe some o [dat intelisense](
So I've recently come across this goldmine of coding wisdom [[Clean Coders](]. I've purchased, watched, and have taken some simple notes on the first episode. I really must say this is fantastic content
I don't like em! They clutter up my ipconfig read out, and add nonsese to my network config screens. Let's get rid of it. Supposedly this is a feature for developers, however I haven't found a use for it yet...